Barroco: The Misshapen Pearl book launch!

Artbeat Studio and McNally Robinson Booksellers were pleased to launch Barroco: The Misshapen Pearl on Tuesday Nov 6 2012, Winnipeg, Grant Park in the Prairie Ink Restaurant. The seventh installment of the Artbeat Studio Annual profiles 16 diverse artists from the studio’s 13th and 14th biannual exhibitions. Thank you to all the artists and supporters!

All proceeds from Barroco: The Misshapen Pearl support Artbeat Studio operations. If you are interested in purchasing a copy of this 7th edition of the Artbeat Annual, write to or visit McNally Robinson Booksellers!

Your support will have a direct and positive impact on the Artbeat community.

If you share our values, we invite you to consider making a donation. To learn more about how you can donate, please visit our donation page. Thank you for your generosity.
