Upbeat Artworks is proud to display The Connected Forest, a collaborative effort of Artbeat Studio Alumni Artists and Winnipeg based artist, Peter McConville.  Over the course of 6 sessions and with the help of over 30 participants, the 12 panels were created and merged to form the colourful, stylized vision of birch trees currently on display at Upbeat Artworks. Mr. McConville generously donated all proceeds generated by the piece to Artbeat Studio Inc.
Available now at our gallery-boutique, Upbeat Artworks (U207 – Portage Place Shopping Center, Winnipeg, MB), are sets of five 1st Edition Art Cards featuring a high-quality print of The Connected Forest as well as an Artist Statement from Peter McConville.
Sets are $20.00 CND (tax-free) with all proceeds supporting Artbeat Studio Inc. and their vision of enabling consumers of mental health services to engage in artistic expression that promotes recovery, empowerment, and community.
Do good. Buy art.[hr]
Located at west end of Portage Place Shopping Centre (Unit 207), Upbeat Artworks is a gallery that sells paintings, handcrafted jewellery and other unique gifts. The boutique is a social enterprise of Artbeat Studio Inc. and supports a mission to promote mental health awareness. Every item sold at the store is a high quality, carefully selected piece that represents an Artbeat alumni artist’s personal journey of mental health recovery.[hr]