A Public Forum: Facts and Myths about People Living with Schizophrenia and Psychosis

Toward a greater understanding

Join us for a public forum featuring Nigel Bart (Studio Facilitator, Artbeat Studio, Inc.) and Ernie Bart (Board Member, Artbeat Studio, Inc.)

MAY 20, 2015 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Centre Culturel Franco-Manitobain
Jean-Paul-Aubry Hall
340 Provencher Boulevard Winnipeg, MB

Hosted by the Manitoba Schizophrenia Society (MSS)



What are schizophrenia and psychosis? How are they treated? What is it like to live with these illnesses? How do you ensure medication adherence? How do you prevent relapse? What are the myths concerning these illnesses? What is the impact of these illnesses on families? How likely is a person with schizophrenia to commit a crime? What is NCRMD? How do Review Boards do risk assessments? What are the recidivism rates for offenders? What supports are provided to people released into the community who are NCRMD? Is recovery possible? What are the consequences of stigma? How do you balance public safety and the rights and treatment of those released back into the community?

PANEL MEMBERS (with questions from the audience)

Dr. Michael Eleff, Psychiatrist

Ken MacKenzie, Manager, Community Forensic Services of the WRHA

Jane Burpee, Public Education Coordinator for MSS

Phyllis Carr, Family Member

Ernie Bart, Family Member

Sherri Matsumoto, Person living with schizophrenia

Barb Madden, RN living with schizophrenia

Nigel Bart, Artbeat Studio, Person living with schizophrenia

Chris Summerville, Executive Director, MSS[hr]

visit the Manitoba Schizophrenia Society website[hr]

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