SOGH: Newest Artbeat Studio install created specifically for our hallway to provide a “hint of calm”

Seven Oaks General Hospital | August 12, 2016

“Transitional Landscapes” provides color and calm for those walking through.

“Transitional Landscapes” provides color and calm for those walking through.

So much of our day is spent transitioning; whether it is from one place to another, one thought to another or one or one emotion to another. “Transitional Landscapes,” the newest art installation created specifically for our ED hallway from Artbeat Studio captures this concept.

“The idea was to grab aspects of transition and present it in a “meandering” line throughout this hallway” says Katryna Lipinsky, Artbeat’s Community Art Coordinator and the project facilitator. “This is an active space; we wanted people to be able to experience the art without having to stop.”

This exhibit has an additional cool factor – it was created with the physical space in mind and how patients, family members and staff move through it each day. The bright splashes of colour, abstract landscape images and use of long panels draw you in visually, providing a moment of escape and distraction for those walking past.

“So often the people going through this hallway are transitioning mentally and emotionally” says Lipinsky. They may not stop and look at the art, but at least we have given them a hint of calm.”

Each section was completed in layers, with a different layer added each week. The artists also had to switch pieces often so they were always getting a different experience. The change in perspective each artist added to the layers makes the stories in each section more interesting and open to interpretation.

Seven Oaks General Hospital Foundation values its continued partnership with Artbeat Studio. The art has a positive impact on our patients and staff and we provide a platform to showcase and support the essential work Artbeat does in our community.[hr]

more about Studio Central’s Community Projects[hr]

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