Video | Art Saves Lives – Diamond Doug Keith

I know that Artbeat saves lives because it saved mine

-Alumnus artist Diamond Doug Keith explains how Artbeat Studio is vital to so many artists living with mental illness. 

[hr]This year, Artbeat Studio created the #artsaveslives campaign, a fundraising and awareness event to keep our doors open in order to continue supporting Winnipeg artists with lived mental health experiences. 

This video gives the testimonial of Diamond Doug Keith, an alumnus from 2015. Thanks to your generous donations, we can continue supporting and empowering artists.
Donations towards Artbeat Studio’s sustainability are still gratefully accepted.
Will you support us in decreasing the stigma and discrimination that coincides with mental illness and poverty through positive action, mental health education, and advocacy?

Yes, I will donate to Artbeat Studio![hr] 

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Your support will have a direct and positive impact on the Artbeat community.

If you share our values, we invite you to consider making a donation. To learn more about how you can donate, please visit our donation page. Thank you for your generosity.
