(update September 10th)
Public health orders dictate that everyone attending an indoor recreational activity, like Studio Central, must be fully immunized against COVID-19. Thank you for understanding!
If you are fully vaccinated but don’t have your proof yet, it’s free and easy!
Option 1: if you have an email address you can access AND a Manitoba health card, sign up online at https://tinyurl.com/mbvaxcard and you’ll get a QR code instantly. You can print this out and/or request a card to carry. You can also log in at Studio Central to show us this code.
Option 2: if you do NOT have a Manitoba Health Card or email, you can register by phone at 1-866-MAN-VACC. They will mail you a card with your QR code on it. You must wait until you have that code before coming to Studio Central.
And if you can’t come in, we still have online demos with Kate every Friday!
Current hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: Open Studio available 11:00 am – 5:00 pm. Creative Techniques workshops at 2:00 pm.
Thursdays: Writers Circle 1:00 – 3:00 pm. All are welcome! NO open studio on Thursdays.