Programming Updates in Response to COVID-19

(update September 10th)

Public health orders dictate that everyone attending an indoor recreational activity, like Studio Central, must be fully immunized against COVID-19. Thank you for understanding!

If you are fully vaccinated but don’t have your proof yet, it’s free and easy!

Option 1: if you have an email address you can access AND a Manitoba health card, sign up online at and you’ll get a QR code instantly. You can print this out and/or request a card to carry. You can also log in at Studio Central to show us this code.
Option 2: if you do NOT have a Manitoba Health Card or email, you can register by phone at 1-866-MAN-VACC. They will mail you a card with your QR code on it. You must wait until you have that code before coming to Studio Central.
And if you can’t come in, we still have online demos with Kate every Friday!
Studio Central Hours


Current hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: Open Studio available 11:00 am – 5:00 pm. Creative Techniques workshops at 2:00 pm.
Thursdays: Writers Circle 1:00 – 3:00 pm. All are welcome! NO open studio on Thursdays.

Safety guideline icons

Our Safety Guidelines:

Masks MUST be worn at all times – over the nose and under the chin

10 members of the public at a time

Keep 6 feet / 2 meters apart

No food allowed in the studio.

If you must drink from a bottled beverage you bring along,
briefly remove your mask, take a sip, and replace your mask immediately.
You must stay seated at your studio table if you take a drink.
Connect with us online on our many platforms:
Artbeat Creative Community: YouTube
Artbeat Studio:Facebook and Instagram
Studio Central:Facebook and Instagram
Upbeat Artworks:Instagram

Your support will have a direct and positive impact on the Artbeat community.

If you share our values, we invite you to consider making a donation. To learn more about how you can donate, please visit our donation page. Thank you for your generosity.
