The Art of Hope: World Suicide Prevention Day


Ernie Bart (Artbeat Studio board member) and Ildiko Nova (Artbeat alumnus) at World Suicide Prevention Day 2015.

Artbeat Studio was pleased to partner with Klinic Community Health and Winnipeg Suicide Prevention Network for World Suicide Prevention Day “The Art of Hope” September 10, 2015, at at Vimy Ridge Park.

Ernie Bart (Artbeat Studio board member) and Ildiko Nova (Artbeat alumnus) spoke on “Art, Imagination, and Hope” and facilitated the community art project “Images of Hope.”


World Suicide Prevention Day “The Art of Hope”

September 10, 2015: Vimy Ridge Park, Winnipeg MB
12:00pm to 12:45pm

Welcome: Nicole Chammartin Executive Director Klinic Community Health

Art, Imagination and Hope: Ernie Bart, Artbeat Studio

Images of Hope: Ildiko Nova, Artbeat Studio

Service of Remembrance: Judith Burch Provincial Spiritual Health Care Coordinator

Music: The Pant Seat Flyers[hr]


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