Studio Central

Studio Central is a project of Artbeat Studio Inc.  Programming at Studio Central aims to facilitate the production of art as a means of inspiring personal passion, connecting generations, bridging diverse groups, and serving as a catalyzing symbol of the people as a community.

Studio Central is located on the second floor of Portage Place Shopping Centre, primarily serving the Central Park and North Portage area. Its programming is offered to those aged 18 or older.

Mission of Studio Central

  1. Alumni of Artbeat Studio’s core artist-in-residence program gain career path momentum by participating in the implementation of a comprehensive community-based arts program.

  2. Winnipeggers are provided with professional mentorship in the arts, space to work on projects and an opportunity to participate in a range of social activities in order to benefit their mental health.

  3. Citizens of the Central Park and North Portage area access art programming that contributes to dialogue and development of their unique community cultural fabric.


Creative Techniques: Activity-based presentations on various techniques and mediums including; drawing, painting, sculpture, fabric arts, photography and others.

Writer’s Circle: An opportunity for writers to share their poetry and prose with a group of fellow creatives. A poetry slam is held once a month.

Open Studio: Artists work individually and/or collaboratively on art projects.

Community Projects: Clients and collaborators work with artists on projects that contribute to community capacity building. Examples include: wall murals, exhibitions and installations, nutrition education, Central Park Festival and others.

Mentorship: Alumni artist instructors and performers are mentored by professional volunteers from the local community in a range of technical and social endeavours.


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Studio Central serves the central Winnipeg neighbourhoods by providing participants with:

    • Safe and functional space for undertaking meaningful work on personal and community projects.
    • Engagement with clients, patrons, and colleagues resulting in opportunities for economic and social development through the arts.
    • Opportunity to participate in a discourse of social inclusion, to challenge and critique social exclusion in its various forms and manifestations.

Studio Central invites local artists to participate in efforts to democratize the arts by:

    • Becoming contributing members of Studio Central.
    • Collaborating with local businesses and organizations on community projects.
    • Mentoring and encouraging emerging artists
    • Challenging personal, social, political, and environmental concerns through the arts

Studio Central is supported by organizations including; WRHA, Manitoba Health, Manitoba Arts CouncilWinnipeg Foundation, and the Central Neighbourhood Development Corporation.

Your support will have a direct and positive impact on the Artbeat community.

If you share our values, we invite you to consider making a donation. To learn more about how you can donate, please visit our donation page. Thank you for your generosity.
