call for artwork submissions CAOT

Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists

National Conference Committee 2015 (Winnipeg)

in partnership with

Studio Central- Urban Arts Centre


Invite local artists to submit proposals for an “Artwork brand” for the CAOT 2015 Conference to be held in Winnipeg. The theme of the conference is Occupational Justice Rising to the Challenge.

The selected artwork will be used on conference promotional and related materials including: Call for Papers, posters, programs, conference t-shirts, cards, website and other advertising.

The selected artwork will:

  • Reflect identifiable characteristics of Winnipeg (physical and/or cultural)
  • Reflect  the conference theme  Occupational Justice Rising to the Challenge”Original artwork must lend itself to high quality digital reproduction.
    • “Occupational Justice” emphasizes rights, responsibilities, and liberties that enable the individual to experience health and quality of life through engagement in occupations. It is closely associated with social justice.
  • Minimum size of original artwork is 16″ x20″
  • A budget of $500 is allotted for work selected (unframed and unmatted)

Information on CAOT, occupational therapy, and past examples of conference logo artwork  may be found at

Information on Occupational Justice may be found at

Proposal submissions to Studio Central by January 28th, 2014. Completion and submission of final work with label info by February 21, 2014.


questions or comments?

Contact Rebecca at Studio Central

444 Kennedy St. (2nd Floor)
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3B 2Z1

T (204) 943-8290


CAOT logo

Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists  •  3400 – 1125 Colonel By Dr., Ottawa, ON  K1S 5R1  •  (800) 434-2268  •


Your support will have a direct and positive impact on the Artbeat community.

If you share our values, we invite you to consider making a donation. To learn more about how you can donate, please visit our donation page. Thank you for your generosity.
