Mar 29, 2017 | #artsaveslives2017, Donors, Media
Global News | Brittany Greenslade| Focus Manitoba | March 27, 2017 Artbeat Studio is paving the road to mental health recovery for many Manitobans. The community based studio has been a safe haven for many who take part in its residency program. But now...
Mar 24, 2017 | #artsaveslives2017, Donors, Studio Central
Having helped hundreds coping with mental illness in the past 12 years, the non-profit art program is in jeopardy due to lack of funds. Winnipeg Metro | Jessica Botelho-Urbanski | For Metro Published | Thu Mar 23 2017 For hundreds of adults...
Mar 23, 2017 | #artsaveslives2017, Donors, Media
Blair Malazdrewich | ShawTV Winnipeg | March 23, 2017 We chat with Artbeat Studio Inc who enable consumers of mental health services to engage in artistic expression that promotes recovery, empowerment and community. [hr]
Mar 13, 2017 | #artsaveslives2017, Alumni, Community Projects, Donors
Sue Wonnek, Artbeat Studio Alumnus | March 2017 Artbeat Studio has been and continues to be a viable part of my recovery journey. I began volunteering in 2010 and was accepted into the six month residency program in August 2010. Prior to Artbeat I rarely left my...
Mar 13, 2017 | #artsaveslives2017, Alumni, Community Projects, Donors
Alumni artist and current board member Kyla Betker discusses her journey with Artbeat Studio. [hr]Artbeat Studio urgently needs your financial support. As we celebrate 12 years of unique community based, peer directed mental health and arts programming, we ask for...