Sleepout helps give work to homeless
Winnipeg Free Press  |  02/21/2014

Lucille Bart (Artbeat Studio Executive Director) with Candace Bergen (M.P. for Portage – Lisgar) and the Honorable JoAnne L. Buth (Senator). Artbeat Studio receives $25,000 from Downtown BIZ.
Five social agencies will be receiving $173,733 in Downtown BIZ funding to provide the homeless with 24,070 hours of employment.
The money was raised during the BIZ’s 2013 Sleepout, when dozens of the city’s business and political leaders annually spend the night on the street.
The agencies that will benefit from the funding include Graffiti Art Programming, Siloam Mission, Red Road Lodge, Artbeat Studio and MacDonald Youth Services.
The balance of the $200,000 raised by the Sleepout will be distributed in the coming months after a second call for agency proposals is solicited, the BIZ noted.
The first round of funding will be used to employ 38 agency clients for 24,070 hours in 2014, including:
Graffiti Art Programming Inc. ($37,350)
— Four youth participants employed.
— 3,000 hours of employment from February to December.
— Young Leaders Project to employ at-risk youth at Studio 393 and mentor at-risk youth to become leaders in Winnipeg’s downtown community. The program will encourage the participation of challenging mental and physical activities, with hands-on, structured tasks involving dance, visual arts and community building. It is hoped the participants will benefit from the Young Leaders Project by gaining self-confidence, understanding social tolerance, feel a sense of belonging, learn to work within a team and aspire for success in their future endeavours.
Siloam Mission ($50,000)
— Eight participants employed.
— 14,560 hours of employment from February to December (additional hours of employment leveraged through Siloam Mission funding).
— Participants will engage in the beautification of downtown through litter removal, snow shovelling and event/festival cleanup, collectively walking more than 1,000 kilometres.
Red Road Lodge ($32,400)
— Eight participants employed.
— 2,710 hours of employment from February to December.
— Participants will engage in the beautification of Main Street through litter removal and snow shovelling, in addition to the installation of artwork along Main Street. The program targets individuals on EIA Disability who face permanent social and economic barriers.
Artbeat Studio ($25,000)
— 12 artists living with mental illness employed with professional, meaningful and structured opportunities.
— 2,000 hours of employment from February to December.
— Participants will manage a boutique gallery at Portage Place, an initiative that will provide ‘career path’ development opportunities in vocational areas such as retail sales, customer service, education and general gallery management.
Macdonald Youth Services ($29,023.20)
— Six youth participants hired.
— 1,800 hours of employment from April and October.
— Youth will assist in the preparation and setup of the Downtown BIZ’s farmers market. They will also engage in downtown-beautification projects that include graffiti removal, assorted painting, watering of flower beds, garbage pickup and/or any other tasks deemed appropriate.
— staff
Republished from the Winnipeg Free Press print edition February 21, 2014 A2