Apr 10, 2017 | #artsaveslives2017, Alumni
View Event Photos on Facebook [hr] Join us for our Fundraiser Celebration! Art Saves Lives ART AUCTION & CONCERT Friday, April 28, 2017, 7PM at Graffiti Gallery 109 Higgins Ave, Winnipeg, MB, R3B 0B5 art by Artbeat Alumni music by Dirty...
Apr 10, 2017 | #artsaveslives2017, Alumni, Donors
Everybody needs love, everybody needs community, everybody needs acceptance, and to feel a sense of value. And that’s what Artbeat provides. -Alumnus artist Kathleen Crosby discusses her recovery journey with Artbeat Studio. [hr]Artbeat Studio urgently needs...
Mar 13, 2017 | #artsaveslives2017, Alumni, Community Projects, Donors
Sue Wonnek, Artbeat Studio Alumnus | March 2017 Artbeat Studio has been and continues to be a viable part of my recovery journey. I began volunteering in 2010 and was accepted into the six month residency program in August 2010. Prior to Artbeat I rarely left my...
Mar 13, 2017 | #artsaveslives2017, Alumni, Community Projects, Donors
Alumni artist and current board member Kyla Betker discusses her journey with Artbeat Studio. [hr]Artbeat Studio urgently needs your financial support. As we celebrate 12 years of unique community based, peer directed mental health and arts programming, we ask for...
Mar 9, 2017 | #artsaveslives2017, Alumni, Community Projects, Donors
Collage Making Workshop hosted by Brandon University Psychiatric Nursing Program – Winnipeg Campus in support of Artbeat Studio and Partners for Mental Health! Featuring Cory Derksen assisted by Shena Alcock, Artbeat Studio Alumni Monday, March 13, 2017 6:30...
Jan 10, 2017 | Alumni, Community Projects
Artbeat Studio Alumni, Ryan Smoluk is a talented artist in many mediums with artwork shown locally and throughout North America. Ryan is currently exhibiting his artworks at the Millennium Library, open to the public for viewing. Please join us for Ryan Smoluk’s...