Sep 16, 2015 | Community Projects, Donors
Artbeat Studio is participating in the CEO Sleepout 2015. The CEO Sleepout (Downtown Winnipeg BIZ) supports social agencies in their efforts to bring attention and awareness to homelessness in our city and downtown community. Sponsor Lucille Bart (Executive...
Mar 9, 2015 | Donors, Media, Upbeat Artworks, Updates
WINNIPEG FREE PRESSÂ Â | Â MARCH 6, 2015Â | Â Kevin Rollason[hr] Artists Jamie Hogaboam and Michael Turner aren’t starving, but they are homeless. Now both are hoping money raised by the Downtown BIZ’s annual CEO Sleepout will not only help them...
Sep 2, 2014 | Donors, Volunteers
[hr] Local artist Crystal Kordalchuk presents: Art Smash Show & Fundraiser Saturday September 20, 2014 from 7 – 11pm Edge Gallery 611 Main Street Donation at Door Silent Auction Appetizers Proceeds to be presented to Artbeat Studio, Inc.[hr] visit...
Jun 18, 2014 | Alumni, Donors
Artbeat Studio Alumnus and Internationally renowned artist, Ryan Smoluk, graciously donated a print of his award winning piece “The Path” to Artbeat Studio on June 17, 2014. The United Nations selected “The Path” to be reproduced on a postage...