Mar 12, 2014 | Donors, Outreach Events
Artbeat Studio was pleased to participate in HeART, a fundraising event hosted by Youth in Philanthropy Winnipeg. The event was held at the West End Cultural Centre on Thursday, March 6, 2014. [hr] [hr]
Feb 26, 2014 | Donors, Studio Central
Levy Abad is a Filipino-Canadian, Singer Songwriter and Migrant Activist and regular volunteer performer at Artbeat Studio’s Studio Central: Urban Arts Centre. He believes that “Artbeat’s concern for people with mental health problems is the best of...
Feb 25, 2014 | Donors, Media
Sleepout helps give work to homeless Winnipeg Free Press  |  02/21/2014 Five social agencies will be receiving $173,733 in Downtown BIZ funding to provide the homeless with 24,070 hours of employment. The money was raised during the BIZ’s 2013 Sleepout, when...
Feb 7, 2014 | Alumni, Donors, Media
Seven alumni of the Artbeat Studio are participating in the 24-hour art-a-thon that began at 5 p.m. Thursday. An auction of the artwork will take place at Artbeat on Friday at 8 p.m. Click the here to view the Winnipeg Free Press Slideshow by Boris Minkevich /...
Feb 6, 2014 | Alumni, Donors, Media
On February 3, 2014, alumnus Victoria Stone, Rebecca Henderson, and Nigel Bart were on Breakfast Television promoting the 24-Hour Art-a-thon! Watch the clip below! [hr] [hr] [hr]
Jan 30, 2014 | Alumni, Donors, Media
24-hour Art-a-Thon supports artists & raises awareness for mental health The Projector | Molly Karp | January 20th, 2014 Tara Davis doesn’t believe she would be successful today if it wasn’t for the support she received from Winnipeg-based...