24 Hour Art-a-thon

[hr] Thank you to all the participating artists and supporters of the 24 Hour Art-a-thon. $5,662 was donated to Artbeat Studio and the Artbeat Studio Endowment Fund, supporting the sustainability of our core programming. [hr] art needs love! Artbeat Studio invites you...

24-Hour Art-a-thon to raise funds for studio’s artists

RRC student aims to destigmatize mental illness Winnipeg Free Press: THE METRO By: Cindy Chan Posted: 01/2/2014 A Charleswood resident is raising money and awareness in the name of art. Second-year Creative Communications (CreComm) student Rebecca Henderson is...

Local Artists Fund-raise for Artbeat Studio

Special thanks to artists Heidi Owen and Sara Maximus, who organized “Unmasked: An Interactive Art Therapy Exhibit” at the Frame Gallery to raise funds for Artbeat Studio on Saturday, November 09, 2013. $563 were raised towards the Artbeat Studio...

wine education fundraiser

Thanks to all the supporters of this fundraising event presented by BNI Elite and Artbeat Studio! $1400 were raised towards the Artbeat Studio Operating Fund. [hr] [threecol_two]   Please join us for a special wine education fundraiser in support of Artbeat...

Youth in Philanthropy supports Artbeat Studio

Artbeat Studio recognizes Miles Macdonell Collegiate & Tec-Voc High School, who have donated to the Artbeat Studio Operating Fund through the Youth in Philanthropy 2012-2013 program. [hr]