Nov 20, 2009 | Alumni, Exhibitions - Art Walls
Several Artbeat Studio resident and alumni artists particpated in the 10th Annual Art from the Heart Show and Sale, November 20-21, 2009. The show and sale was held at 430 Langside Street, Winnipeg. For more information about Art from the Heart, visit their website....
Nov 5, 2009 | Exhibitions - Art Walls
Artbeat Studio presented a group exhbition of both resident and alumni artists at the 30th Annual Art Therapy Conference:“Canadian Mosaic: Art Therapy approaches from East to Westâ€Â . The event was hosted by the Canadian Art Therapy Association, November 5-7,...
Nov 1, 2009 | Exhibitions - Art Walls
Several Artbeat Studio resident and alumni artists particpated in “Touched by Fire”, November 2009, which featured both gallery and online exhibtions. For more information about “Touched by Fire”, visit their website. [threecol_two] ...
Oct 7, 2009 | Exhibitions - Art Walls
Artbeat Studio presented an exhibit of works by current and alumni artists. Artbeat Studio executive director Lucille Bart was presented with a Heroes of Mental Health Award by the Canadian Mental Health Association. Alumni artists Henry Peters and Laurie Green also...
Oct 1, 2009 | Exhibitions - Art Walls
In October 2009, Artbeat Studio presented an exhibition of alumni art at the 6th Annual ‘Expressions: Exploring Recovery Through Art’.
Dec 1, 2008 | Exhibitions - Art Walls
In December 2008, Government House hosted a special exhibition and mental health awareness-raising evening event in promotion and recognition of Artbeat Studio. Works of alumni and resident artists were exhibited. photos [nggallery id=34]